Table of contents:
Note: we always refer to the "Tax Year" as the period from January 1 – December 31 for all personal tax returns. This may be either the calendar year or the fiscal year with which your financials were prepared for corporate or trust returns.
Retirement & pension reporting
Retirement accounts come in many shapes and sizes. For U.S. tax financial reporting purposes, having a retirement account and/or receiving retirement income refers to U.S. and foreign social security distributions, pension distributions, retirement accounts like 401(k), or rollovers/transfers between retirement accounts.
Please list ALL of these accounts in the Non-US Financial Account section of the Tax Questionnaire (TQ).
Pension distributions, Social Security distributions - U.S. or non-U.S.
To report U.S. distributions:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I have retirement accounts or receive retirement income.
In the Income > Passive Income > Pension TQ section, click Yes to the question: Did you receive U.S. retirement distributions?
Note: lump sum pension distribution would be reported in the same place.
To report non-U.S. retirement distributions:
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section.
Click Yes next to the statement: I have retirement accounts or receive retirement income.
Navigate to the Income > Passive Income > Pension TQ section, and click Yes to the question: Did you receive foreign (i.e. non-U.S.) retirement distributions?
Fill in the table "Country & Pension Type" and provide the gross amount received, foreign tax paid, and pension type: individual pension, employer pension, or social security.
To report non-U.S. retirement distributions for your spouse (if you are filing jointly):
Navigate to the Life & Income > Spouse Income TQ section.
Click Yes to the question: Are you filing jointly with your spouse?
Click Yes to the question: Did your spouse have a pension or receive pension income?
Navigate to the Income > Spouse Income > Pension TQ section.
Click Yes next to the question Did you receive foreign (i.e. non-U.S.) retirement distributions?
Fill in the table "Country & Pension Type" and provide the gross amount received, foreign tax paid, and pension type: individual pension, employer pension, or social security.
I took a pre-retirement age distribution from my retirement account
An early distribution from the retirement account is treated as pension distribution and should be reported on Income > Passive Income > Pension. If you make an early withdrawal from a U.S. pension, there will be a penalty for early withdrawal. If foreign - then just regular tax.
Employer contribution to the pension
Generally, employee contributions to foreign pension plans are not tax-deductible. In some instances (i.e., 7% employee contribution to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund), they will be deducted as long as such contributions are spelled out in the annual wage statement. To report it:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I receive payments from an employer.
Navigate to the Income > Wages TQ section and click Yes to the question: Did you receive payments during the tax year from a non-U.S. employer?
Navigate to the Non-US employer TQ subsection and complete the questionnaire about your foreign employer.
Complete the questionnaire about your foreign employer.
Click Yes to the question: Were contributions made to a non-U.S. pension plan (whether yourself or by your employer)? and provide further information.
Disability - Lump Sum or Monthly Payment
On the one hand, disability is not earned income, but it may be taxable. It is considered earned income if the disability is reported on W-2. On the other hand, foreign disability - depends. It is never taxable when payments are proceeds from disability insurance that the employee paid for (purchased).
However, employer-paid short or long-term disability is taxable depending on the treaty country. Generally, it may be taxable because the employer deducts it as an expense. If it is taxable in a foreign country, it is likely taxable in the U.S. However, any foreign tax paid will be credited against your U.S. tax liability. If expressed on a foreign employer pay stub, it will also likely qualify for FEIE. If it is a social security type disability, then it is not qualified for FEIE.
Report your foreign disability benefits in Income > Passive income > Pension, the question Did you receive foreign (ie non-U.S.) retirement distributions? To get there, follow the instructions above.
Do I include my pension as a foreign financial account?
You don't know the value of the pension, as the value is not computed until you retire. Thus, some practitioners assume that a defined benefit plan does not need to be reported on FBAR because the plan participant does not have an account with control or signatory authority in their name.
However, this advice contradicts the Basic Questions and Answers on Form 8938, suggesting a "reasonable estimate" of the value of the defined benefit plan.
If you can reasonably estimate the value of the pension, enter the estimate as the maximum value.
If you cannot estimate reasonably, enter the sum of distributions during the year as the maximum value. The account does not need to be reported if you cannot estimate and there were no distributions.
Personal contributions to the pension
To report it:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I have retirement accounts or receive retirement income.
In the Income > Passive Income > Pension TQ section, click Yes to the question: Did you make contributions to a U.S. IRA, ROTH IRA, or SEP accounts during the filing year?
I have a retirement plan with an insurance company into which I make monthly payments from my after-tax income
You can report it as an insurance/annuity product. To report it:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I have investments.
Navigate to Income > Investments and click Yes to the question: Do you have investments in non-U.S. pooled investment funds? E.g mutual funds, unit trusts, ETFs, REITs, etc.
I do not get statements about my local government's Defined Benefit Scheme
Defined Benefit Schemes are not reportable to the IRS, so you do not have to upload their statements.
Child support reporting
Maternity or Paternity Pay
Report it on Income > Wages. Specify the employer's details, then indicate gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year. Don't forget to select the currency. To report it, follow these instructions.
Childcare benefits from the government
Not reportable.
I receive alimony and child support from my ex-spouse. How does this impact my taxable income?
Child support is not considered part of your income. It is paid to your child, and you act as a custodian/trustee. Alimony, however, is included in your taxable income. If your ex-spouse has a U.S. Social Security number, provide their name and SSN. If your ex-spouse is a non-U.S. person, this information is not required.
Report alimony on Income > Other Income, the question: Did you pay or receive alimony during the tax year? Possible answers:
N/A - Not applicable
Paid - You paid alimony
Received - You received alimony payments
Note: the above guidelines apply to divorce agreements finalized by December 31st, 2018, regardless of when payments are received. For agreements signed after January 1st, 2019, the recipient does not include alimony.
I pay alimony and/or child support to my ex-spouse. How do I report these expenses, and can they lower my tax liability?
Child support cannot be claimed as a deduction. Alimony can be deducted if your ex-spouse has a U.S. Social Security number. If your ex-spouse is a non-U.S. person, we will assess whether your alimony payments qualify for the full deduction, based on the Tax Treaty terms between the U.S. and your ex-spouse's country of residence.
Report paid alimony on Income > Other Income, the question Did you pay or receive Alimony during the tax year? Possible answers:
N/A - Not applicable
Paid - You paid alimony
Received - You received alimony payments
Note: the above guidelines apply to divorce agreements finalized by December 31st, 2018, regardless of when payments are received. For agreements signed after January 1st, 2019, alimony cannot be deducted by the payer.
My employer reimburses me for my children's tuition.
Report on Income > Other Income, the question Have you received child benefits of any kind?
Examples of other items that may affect your taxable income that should be reported on the Other Income tab are:
cash and non-cash allowances from the employer.
inheritance or gift from a non-US person exceeding $100k.
gifts you made more than $14k.
non-custodial parent-child exemption.
Employment income reporting
I can't find where to enter my wages
Our TQ is done in a way that only shows the questions about your situation. You are asked to select the characteristics that apply to you while creating the TQ. Depending on your answers, we will show/hide certain sections of the TQ:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I receive payments from an employer.
Navigate to the Income > Wages TQ section and click Yes to the question: Did you receive payments during the tax year from a non-U.S. employer?
In the Non-US employer TQ subsection, provide information about your foreign employer and enter the gross wages/salary amount under: Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year.
I have several foreign employers
After completing the first employer's details in the Income > Wages > Non-US employer TQ section, you can click the + Add Foreign employer button to provide details about the second employer (and so on if you have more to report).
I had both a salaried position and was self-employed during the year.
In the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section, please select all types of income that apply to your situation, then complete the respective sections of the TQ.
I can't break down my host country taxes paid between self-employment income, pension & wage income.
Please provide the grossed-up amount of tax paid and your tax return from the resident country. We will break it down for you.
What is included in gross wages / gross income?
Gross wages mean the total amount earned before contributions or deductions are taken from that income. For example, it means income before working expenses AND before taxes.
Unemployment income reporting (non-U.S. and U.S.)
U.S. unemployment benefits
To report it, navigate to Income > Other Income and click Yes to the question Did you receive a refund or unemployment income from a U.S. state in the tax year?
Non-U.S. unemployment benefits
To report it, navigate to Income > Other Income and click Yes to the question Did you receive non-U.S. monetary benefits of any kind? (Example: Disability, maternity, paternity, unemployment).
I have an unemployment electronic payment card from unemployment insurance.
This account is considered Social Security type and should not be reported.
Other types of income reporting
Can I deduct the interest I have paid on personal loans?
No. Personal loan interest is not deductible. You can only deduct home mortgage and higher education loan interest. Interest in personal expenses (car loans, credit cards, etc.) cannot be deducted.
Severance package - either a monthly payment or lump sum
Report it as gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I receive payments from an employer.
Navigate to the Income > Wages TQ section and click Yes to the question: Did you receive payments during the tax year from a non-U.S. employer?
In the Non-US employer TQ subsection, provide information about your foreign employer and enter the gross wages/salary amount under: Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year.
Gambling or lawsuit settlement
Report it on Income > Other Income, the question: Did you have Lottery/Gambling winning or Lawsuit Settlement during the filing year?
I received a gift or inheritance from a non-U.S. person (non-U.S. citizen, non-G.C. holder)
Foreign inheritance and trust distributions must be reported regardless of the amount. No federal taxes are due, however, you may need to pay taxes on your inheritance depending on your state's tax laws. Report it on Income > Other Income, the question: During the filing year, did you receive inheritance or gifts from a non-US person?
Gifts recipients:
Foreign gifts must be reported on Form 3520 (Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts) if the total amount gifted during the year is $100,000 or more. Report it on Income > Other Income TQ section, click Yes to the question: During the filing year, did you receive inheritance or gifts from a non-US person?, and Does the total inheritance and gifts received from non-U.S. persons exceed USD $100,000. Then, fill in the table Non-U.S. inheritance / Gift grid.
Gift reporting is required when the transfer of cash or property is non-reversible and unconditional. If the foreign person (spouse or anyone else) has the ability to move the funds back, then this is not considered a gift.
Deposits into a joint account are never treated as a gift, regardless of the amount.
Money that your spouse regularly deposits into your personal current account for joint household expenses is not considered a gift. However, a single deposit exceeding $100,000 may be treated by the IRS as a gift from a foreign person and must be reported.
Gifts donors:
Gifts to U.S. citizen spouses are generally unlimited and do not require reporting.
The annual exclusion for gifts to foreign spouses (non-U.S. citizens or non-green card holders) is limited to $185,000 in 2024 ($175,000 in 2023; $164,000 in 2022; etc.), and excess amounts must be reported.
If your gift to your foreign spouse exceeded $185,000 in 2024 ($175,000 in 2023; $164,000 in 2022; etc.), report it in the TQ:
Indicate that you are married in the Life & Income TQ section.
Indicate that your spouse is not a U.S. citizen or a Green Card holder in the Personal Details > The Basics > Family TQ section.
Indicate that your gift to your foreign spouse exceeded the threshold amount in the Income > Other Income TQ section.
I received an inheritance or gift from a U.S. person (U.S. citizen or G.C. holder)
An inheritance from a U.S. person (a U.S. citizen, with dual citizenship, or a green card holder) does not need to be reported; it is reported by the executor of the estate of the person who left the inheritance.
Gifts recipients:
A recipient typically owes no taxes and doesn't have to report the gift unless it comes from a foreign source.
Gifts donors:
Gifts to U.S. citizen spouses are generally unlimited and do not require reporting.
If gift donors are U.S. persons, they can gift up to $18,000 in 2024 ($17,000 in 2023; $16,000 in 2022; etc.) per recipient without reporting. If you gifted more than $18,000 to any person (other than to your spouse) in 2024, the excess amount must be reported on Form 709 (United States Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return), even though it does not necessarily result in a gift tax liability. Report it in the Income > Other Income TQ section.
Education-related income reporting
I receive a graduate student stipend
Report it in the Income > Other income TQ section, the question: Did you receive a stipend or fellowship grant? Specify the payor's name and address, then indicate the gross amount of award earned during the tax year. Don't forget to select the currency.
I am a part-time tutor
Please report it as self-employment. To report it:
Open a Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to Life & Income > Income Sources and click Yes next to the statement: I am self-employed or an independent contractor.
Navigate to Income > Self-Employment and select the Type of business, for example, Service - no inventory.
Indicate your service under Primary service that the business provides.
I received a distribution from a U.S. educational plan
To report it, follow the instructions: I receive a distribution from a trust (non-U.S. or U.S.).
Farm income reporting
Report it as self-employment. Select Manufacturing as the type of business:
Farm subsidies are also considered Earned Income. They are government payments for future proceeds from farming (earned income). If a farm does not operate, it does not receive a subsidy.
Real estate reporting
I own a rental property
To report it:
Navigate to the Life & Income > Other Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I rent out property.
Navigate to the Income > Passive Income > Rental Income TQ subsection and complete the questionnaire about your rental property.
I rent my home for a few weeks a year via Airbnb (or a similar platform)
Airbnb is just a marketing agent. Otherwise, it is just a rental income. To report it:
Navigate to the Life & Income > Other Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I rent out property.
Navigate to the Income > Passive Income > Rental Income TQ subsection and complete the questionnaire about your rental property.
I own a timeshare
Although a timeshare can be sold, it is only a transfer of the right to use the deed and is not considered a tangible asset. Therefore, you do not report owning a timeshare to the IRS (like you would tangible real estate). If you rent it out for less than two weeks, that income is tax-free, but the losses are not allowed for deduction.
I sold a property
If you sold your main home, second home, or cooperative apartment, please report it on Income > Home Sale:
Navigate to the Life & Income > Other Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I sold a home.
Navigate to Income > Home Sale and provide answers to all questions related to the home sale.
I receive a rent subsidy
If the government pays the rent subsidy to assist a renter - such money is not reportable and non-taxable.
If your employer pays the rent subsidy in the U.S., report it in the Income > Wages TQ section, the question Did your employer provide an allowance on top of direct salary (car, education, home leave, etc.)?
If your employer pays this rent subsidy in your foreign country of residence and if the payment for residence IS NOT already included in the W2/paystub, here is how to report it:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Personal Details > Where I live > Housing Arrangements TQ subsection.
Select Rent for the question: Did you rent or own your primary foreign (i.e. non-U.S.) residence during the tax year?
Click Yes to the question: Did your employer pay for your residence?
Enter the amount.
Royalties income reporting
Royalties from publishing a book or licensing a patent or other intellectual property, such as computer software products.
Report it as self-employment and indicate your occupation in the Primary service that the business provides field:
All other royalties
All other royalties should be reported on Income > Other income, the question: Did you receive royalties?
Non-U.S. or U.S. corporation & trust reporting
I receive a distribution from a trust (non-U.S. or U.S.)
To report it:
Open a Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I have ownership in a corporation, partnership or trust.
Navigate to Income > Corporation & Trust, click + Add Entities List to add a new entity, and select a Non-US Trust entity type.
Provide information about the non-US trust and click Yes to the question: Did you receive a cash or property distribution from the Trust?
I have 10% or more of the voting stock in a non-U.S. corporation
If you own directly or indirectly at least 10 percent of the voting stock in any foreign corporation, you should provide this information in order to prepare Form 5471. Please indicate it, as you start the Tax Questionnaire or add this information while working on your TQ:
Open a Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I have ownership in a corporation, partnership or trust.
Navigate to Income > Corporation & Trust, click + Add Entities List to add a new entity.
Provide information on an entity type, name, address, etc., and upload documents related to the company ownership. This Questionnaire is specific to Form 5471.
Health-related income reporting
Sick Pay
Please report it as gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year. Don't forget to select the currency. To report it, follow these instructions.
Life insurance CASH payout (benefit payment is not reportable)
To report it:
Open a Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I have ownership in a corporation, partnership or trust.
Navigate to Income > Corporation & Trust, click + Add Entities List to add a new entity, and select a Non-US Trust entity type.
Provide information about the non-US trust and click Yes under the question Did you receive a cash or property distribution from the Trust?
Reimbursement from Medical Care
Not reportable.
Social Security contributions
To report it:
Navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid.
Click Yes to the question: Did you pay any tax to any non-U.S. country on any of your income this year?
Click Yes next to the question Did you pay social security taxes to a non-U.S. country during the year?
Provide information about it.
Income in other countries reporting
I am not a U.S. citizen but have a U.S.-sourced income
In this case, you are required to fill out a different version of the Tax Questionnaire for Form 1040NR. To do it:
Navigate to the Tax questionnaire section and click Add tax year to create a new Tax Questionnaire.
Specify the year you want to create and click Next step.
Select Not a US Citizen or GC Holder, type the number of days you spent in the U.S. in the last three years, and click Move to tax questionnaire.
Note: The number of days spent in the U.S. in the last three years is only needed to generate a correct TQ type: NRA (non-resident alien) or NRA USA (non-resident alien who meets the Substantial Presence Test). We don't store this information. If you do not meet the Substantial Presence Test, you will be presented with the 1040NR version of the Questionnaire (it's significantly shorter - less work for you). You will see an NRA next to the tax year, e.g., 2021 (NRA).
Before filing a branch office registration for my company I was an American doing business in only the U.S. Do I pay VAT taxes?
No, the U.S. doesn't have VAT.
Non-income tax reporting
This applies to the Church tax (Germany), Wealth tax (Switzerland, France, India), Council Tax (UK), Zakat (Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Qatar), and Taxe d'habitation (France).
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I want to maximize deductions.
Navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Deductions and under Other expenses provide information in the Please list any other item(s) of income or expense that you think may impact your U.S. taxes field.
How should the Irish special Universal Social Charge (USC) be reported?
USC is an additional income tax levy on highly compensated individuals and is considered a regular income tax.
Will I be able to avail myself of the U.S.-[my country] Double Taxation Treaty to assert a Treaty position that my income is not liable for U.S. tax?
We will be able to advise on the best way to optimize your tax position in the course of your tax return preparation. However, this is something we discuss when gathering your data in the Tax Questionnaire.
The Financial Year in my resident country differs, and I can't provide a 31 December figures.
The Financial Year may go from July 1 to June 30 in your resident country. You may have a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, valued on June 30 each year, so you don't have a 31-December figure to give you. In this case, please provide a statement issued on the date closest to the end of the year (i.e., December of the calendar year for which the return is filed or January of the following year).
Paid taxes reporting
I pay income tax in my home country
Note: this applies to impots sur revenus in France, Einkommensteuer in Germany, Impuesto sobre la renta in Spain, etc.
Report it on Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid, the question Did you pay any tax to any non-U.S. country on any of your income this year? (January 1 - December 31 of the year you are filing for).
To calculate the taxes paid during the selected year, use Calendar Year Income Calculator. Provide the figures in your resident country calendar (for individual months or the whole year), then copy the calculated amount earned during the tax year. To get to the calendar:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and click Yes next to the statement: I receive payments from an employer.
In the Income > Wages TQ section, click Yes to the question Did you receive payments during the tax year from a non-U.S. employer?
Navigate to the Non-US employer TQ section and provide information about your foreign employer.
Click "Calendar Year (Jan 1 - Dec 31) Converter — Try me!" below the question Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year?
Enter the start date and the end date of the tax year in your country of residence, the amount and the currency.
Copy the amount in USD that the system automatically calculated.
Click Save and Close Calculator.
Paste it into the field under the question: Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year?
What exchange rate does TFX use when converting currencies?
We use currency optimization as a means to assist our clients in reducing their tax liability. The Internal Revenue Service has no official exchange rate and it allows using any posted exchange rate, as long as it is consistently used throughout the return. We use IRS yearly average exchange rates or year-end exchange rates recommended by the IRS whichever is lower. However, it is mandatory to use the treasury rate for Form 8938 and FBAR.
Video: How to use the Calendar Year Income calculator
My husband and I paid income tax on our income, salaries, and self-employment combined. How can I separate this?
If you file a joint U.S. return, there is no need to split the taxes you paid because all tax on earned income (husband and wife, wages, and self-employment) will be used for the credit together.
If one spouse is a U.S. person and only one person files, you should provide your ratio in joint earnings and report the portion of combined taxes based on that ratio. Or you can tell us how much each person earned, and we will determine the tax breakdown between the two earners.
My employment contract states that my employer pays all of my local government taxes, and my take-home pay is net of any tax they pay.
The IRS needs to know your gross pay (before any tax is withheld) and the amount of tax paid (this benefits your tax position). Your payslips, employment contract, or local tax forms should contain this information.
Example: The employment contract states that you receive USD 150k gross pay. Your employer pays $X to your local government in taxes paid. On your Tax Questionnaire, you report gross pay. If you provide us with what $X is, your tax position will improve. Report that amount in answer to the TQ question of Taxes paid or withheld in the resident country.
Do I need to upload receipts or bank statements?
No, we do not need your receipts or bank statements. However, the TQ will generate a list of needed supporting documents based on your answers.
Deduction reporting
How to add the Taxes and Deductions TQ section
Follow the steps below:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I want to maximize deductions.
Navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Deductions and click Yes under the question Do you want to list various expenses that might improve your tax position?
Home mortgage reporting
Report it on Taxes And Deductions > Deductions TQ section, and click Yes to the question: Did you own residential real estate during the tax year? Then, answer the question: Do you have a mortgage on the residence in which you live? and subsequent questions.
Travel expenses reporting
❗ Important note: starting from 2018, travel expenses are only deductible for U.S. military and state return filers.
Report it on Taxes And Deductions > Deductions, the question: Did you incur moving expenses? and provide a breakdown by expense type with totals.
Medical and dental expenses reporting
Report it on Taxes And Deductions > Deductions, the question: Medical and dental expenses/insurance premiums (only if the amount is more than 10% of gross income).
Educational expenses reporting
Report it on Taxes And Deductions > Deductions tab, the question: Did you incur higher education expenses for yourself, spouse or dependents?
Can I claim to pay my daughter's college tuition, even if she files her own 1040ez?
You can deduct your daughter's tuition as long as she is dependent on YOUR tax return. She may file 1040EZ but should NOT claim a personal exemption, or you won't be able to list her as a dependent.
Child care expenses reporting
Child care (even abroad) is tax deductible. If you believe you are eligible for the Child Tax credit, provide documents that confirm you have covered over 50% of the household costs, such as:
Mortgage statements.
Utility bills.
Health insurance bills.
Clothing bills.
Rental agreements or statements showing your residence's fair rental value.
Daycare, school, or medical bills (demonstrating child support) with canceled checks.
Other bills evidencing household expenses.
To report it:
Open your Tax Questionnaire.
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I have dependent children or other dependents.
Navigate to Personal Details > The Basics > Dependents and fill in the table.
Provide information on your dependents and click Yes next to the questions Do you provide over 50% of the household expenses? and Do you have documentation to support this?
Upload a document with proof that you provide over 50% of the household expenses.
Utility bills, gas, and other business expenses reporting
If you are self-employed and operate from your house, you can deduct phone, electricity, and other bills.
If you are self-employed and use your car for work, you can deduct the gas and other car expenses.
To indicate that you are self-employed, you can navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section and select Yes next to the statement: I am self-employed or an independent contractor.
To report business expenses, follow the steps below:
Navigate to the Income > Self-Employment TQ section and scroll down to the Business Expenses section.
Answer to the question Do you have an income statement, organized Excel sheet or other file that itemizes business expenses by category?
Note: if you don’t have a file to provide, answer No and enter business expenses in the TQ.
Answer Yes to the question Is your office based out of your home? and complete the Office in Home section.
Enter the amount of the utility expenses in the Utilities field and the car expenses in the Vehicles, machinery, and equipment field accordingly.
How to deduct regularly paid money to your mother to help her make ends meet
You can list your mother as a dependent if your mother:
Has a U.S. Social Security number, and
You provide for more than half of her annual income.
To report it in the TQ:
Navigate to the Life & Income > Income Sources TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement: I have dependent children or other dependents.
Navigate to Personal Details > The Basics > Dependents and fill in the table.
Select Other in the "Relationship" drop-down menu and provide a comment for your tax preparer below the table.
Charities & donations: What’s tax deductible?
Contributions to non-U.S. charities can not be deducted in the U.S. except for certain Canadian, Israeli, and Mexican charitable organizations.
Donations to Canadian charities are tax-deductible in the U.S. However, unlike Canadian tax returns, which allow donations to be deducted, U.S. tax returns use "itemized" deductions. Not every U.S. taxpayer benefits from itemizing; "standard" (fixed amount) deductions are often more cost-effective. However, if you do not itemize, you cannot deduct charitable donations. Please let us know the amount of your donations, and we'll figure out which type of deductions (itemized or standard) would be more beneficial for you.
If you have receipts for various expenses deductible in your country of residence, It is sometimes possible to deduct the same expenses on your U.S. tax return. However, the method for claiming deductions to reduce gross income in the U.S. differs from that used in most other countries.
The taxpayer can either claim a fixed amount (standard deduction) or a separate deduction for each item (itemized deductions).
Standard deduction
The standard deduction amount depends on your filing status: from $13,850 for single filers through $27,700 for joint filers for the 2023 tax year (annually adjusted for inflation). The choice between the two methods depends on how much you can deduct by itemizing. More than half of taxpayers benefit from claiming the standard deduction because the sum of each of their itemized deductions would not exceed the amount of the standard deduction. Additional benefits of claiming the standard deduction include: not needing to keep records of your contributions and a lower risk of a random audit.
Itemized deductions
Itemized deductions are worthwhile if the taxpayer paid U.S. state income tax or mortgage interest on the personal (not rented) property. In these cases, the sum of miscellaneous deductions (such as charitable contributions, medical expenses, gambling losses, etc.) and these significant deductions are often greater than the amount of the standard deduction.
All expenses related to income generated by rental properties or business activities may not be claimed as personal itemized deductions. Those deductions should be claimed via the appropriate rental or business schedules. Please note that various personal expenses that may be deductible in your country of residence (i.e., commuting expenses, burial expenses, home repair expenses, and licensing fees) may not be claimed as itemized deductions.
We assess the amount you can claim using each method to determine which type of deduction will benefit you the most.
529 savings plans and their impact on your tax return
Contributing to a 529 plan offers key benefits for your taxes:
You may qualify for a state income tax deduction (available in some states only). However, if you are not required to file a state tax return, this deduction won't apply.
The growth within a 529 plan is federally tax-free, making it a valuable investment option.
If you can find a way to invest your money in a 529 plan and generate income, then this type of investment makes sense.
It is similar to contributing after-tax money to ROTH IRA, except the conditions for withdrawal are different, and the amount you can contribute may be higher depending on the particular plan.