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Spain specific
Huntly Mayo-Malasky avatar
Written by Huntly Mayo-Malasky
Updated over 7 months ago

TFX specializes in top-tier U.S. tax services for individuals, partnerships, corporations, trusts, and estates worldwide. If you need assistance with your Spanish tax return, we have got you covered. We maintain strong partnerships with trusted local tax experts in 193 countries. These professionals are well-equipped to handle your non-U.S. tax needs. Reach out to us via phone, chat, or email, and we will connect you with an experienced local firm. Your global tax compliance just got simpler with TFX.

Table of contents:

Spanish businesses and investments

Opening a local business in Spain as a U.S. citizen

Of course, before opening a local business in Spain, you must have the right to live and work in Spain. You will also need to obtain a work permit. Moreover, you must decide on your business structure and register your business with the Spanish tax authorities.

Types of local business structures in Spain and the U.S. filing requirement

  • Sole Trader (Empresa Individual)

    As a Sole Trader, you are self-employed. You must report your self-employment to the IRS via form Schedule C (included in our PREMIUM package).

  • SA, SLNE, SRL/SL, SLA, SLL, and SC

    In Spain, there are six types of limited companies you can choose including Sociedad Anonima (S.A.), Sociedad Limitada Nueva Empresa (SLNE), Sociedad Limitada (SRL / SL), Sociedad Laboral Anónima (SLA), Sociedad Laboral Limitada (SLL), and Sociedad Cooperativa (S.C.). The main differences between these limited companies are the minimum number of shareholders required and the minimum investment amounts. These limited companies are reported to the IRS via Form 5471.

  • Sociedad civil/Partnership

    Expats planning to go into business with one or more people may decide to register their business as a partnership. You must report the block to the IRS via Form 8865.

  • Pequeñas Y Medianas Empresas (PYME)

    Small and medium-sized businesses (corporations) are reported to the IRS via Form 5471.

Social Security and pensions

The Spanish Social Security system is similar to many other European countries and is structured into three pillars:

  • Pillar I - State pension: The Spanish state pension is compulsory for all residents working in Spain, and contributions are deducted from your wages. The amount you receive as a pension depends on your earnings history and the number of years you have contributed to the system. It has strict regulations on who can claim and when (Social Insurance and survivor's annuities).

  • Pillar II - Company and employee pensions: Company-sponsored pensions and contributions to these pensions are typically made by both the employer and the employee. The availability and conditions of these pensions can vary depending on the employer.

  • Pillar III - Private pensions: Private pensions are voluntary and provide individuals with an option to save additional funds for retirement. These pensions offer more flexibility in terms of contributions and withdrawals compared to the Spanish state pension. For example, some private pensions allow you to withdraw your savings before reaching the Spanish pension age.

Note: the U.S.-Spain Tax Treaty helps prevent double taxation of Social Security benefits. Under the treaty, if you are a resident of Spain and you are receiving Social Security benefits, those benefits are generally only taxable in Spain. This means that you won't typically pay U.S. federal income tax on your Social Security income if you are a resident of Spain. However, some U.S. states may choose to tax these benefits. The rules vary by state, so it is essential to check your specific state's tax laws. Our Tax projection service can help you with that.

Spanish income reporting

The terms below are based on the Impuesto Sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas forms Modelo 100 & Modelo D-100.

Retribuciones dinerarias - Gross salary

To report the total amount of the annual gross salary in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Open your Tax Questionnaire.

  2. Navigate to the Life & Income > Basic Information TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to I receive payments from an employer.

  3. In the Income > Wages TQ section, click Yes to the question Did you receive payments during the tax year from a non-U.S. employer?

  4. Enter the gross salary amount to the question Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year? Use the income calculator to convert to a calendar year.

Contribuciones empresariales a planes de pensioners - Employer contributions to pension plans

Contributions paid by or on behalf of the individual to the pension scheme cannot be excluded when calculating the U.S. taxable income. Employer contributions are added to gross annual wages to determine taxable earned income. Please report these contributions under the same question Gross wages/salary earned with this employer during the tax year?

Por alquiler de la vivienda habitual - Rental of the primary residence

If you rent your primary residence, you likely qualify for the exclusion of housing costs. To report your housing arrangements, navigate to Personal Details > Where I Live > Housing Arrangements, and select Rent under the question Did you rent or own your primary foreign (i.e. non-U.S.) residence during the tax year?

Por obras de mejora en vivienda - Home improvements expenses

If you own rental property, please include the total amount for ALL home improvements made since purchasing the home. To report it:

  1. Navigate to the Life & Income > Income TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement I rent out property.

  2. Navigate to Income > Passive Income > Rental Income tab at the top.

  3. Scroll down to the Rental Expenses section and fill in the Repairs table.

Renta inmobiliaria imputada - Rental income

To report your rental income in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to the Life & Income > Income TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement I rent out property.

  2. Navigate to Income > Passive Income > Rental Income tab at the top.

  3. Provide total amounts (pre-expenses) under the question Amount of gross rent received during the tax year.

  4. Click Yes under the question Did you pay non-U.S. tax on rental income?

  5. Provide the details.

Empresarios individuales - Income from self-employment

A sole proprietorship is a business run by a single person with no legal personality. To report details of the sole proprietorship, navigate to Income > Self-employment tab and enter the amount under the question Gross Income from the Self-employment.

Intereses de cuentas, depósitos y activos financieros - Income from interest on bank accounts, deposits and financial assets

To report any interest income in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to the Life & Income > Income TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement I earn interest income.

  2. Navigate to Income > Passive Income > Interest tab at the top and click Yes under the question Did you receive non-U.S. interest income?

  3. Fill in the table.

Dividendos y demás rendimientos - Dividend income

To report your dividend income in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to the Life & Income > Income TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement I receive dividend income.

  2. Navigate to Income > Passive Income > Dividends tab at the top and click Yes under the question Did you receive non-U.S. dividends?

  3. Fill in the table.

Sistemas de previsión social - Contributions to Social Security system

Contributions to Spain's Social Security system withheld from your paycheck or made on self-employment income are not deductible from the U.S. taxable income. They do not qualify for the foreign-earned income credit. If you contributed to Spain's Social Security System, navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid, and click Yes to the question Did you pay any tax to any non-U.S. country on any of your income this year?

Ganancias y pérdidas patrimoniales - Capital gains and losses

For example, if you sold a house/apartment, report capital gains and losses in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to the Life & Income > Income TQ section on the left side and click Yes next to the statement I sold a home.

  2. Navigate to Income > Home Sale and provide answers to all questions related to the home sale.

To report foreign tax paid on capital gains from the property sale, navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid.

❗ Important note: property tax on foreign residence deduction was suspended through 2025.

Retenciones y demás pagos a cuenta: Por rendimientos del trabajo - Income tax on gross wages

The amount of foreign income tax on gross wages paid or withheld can be utilized as a foreign tax credit to offset U.S. tax liability. To report tax imposed, navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid.

Retenciones y demás pagos a cuenta: Por rendimientos de actividades económicas - Income tax on self-employment income

The amount of foreign income tax on self-employment income paid can be utilized as a foreign tax credit to offset U.S. tax liability. To report tax imposed, navigate to Taxes And Deductions > Taxes Paid.

Devoluciones solicitadas por la Agencia Tributaria - Tax refund for tax overpaid

To report your tax refund for tax overpaid in the Tax Questionnaire:

  1. Navigate to Income > Wages. (If you do not see the Wages tab, refer to these instructions).

  2. Scroll down to the question Did you receive a foreign (i.e. non-U.S.) tax refund?

  3. Click Yes and provide the amount.

Spanish financial accounts reporting

Which types of Spain financial accounts must the U.S. individual report on FBAR / FATCA?

  • Individual bank accounts include savings accounts, checking accounts, and time deposits.

  • Retirement accounts - balance on Pillar 2 and Pillar 3 accounts.

  • Brokerage accounts, commodity futures, or options accounts.

  • Insurance policies and annuity contracts with a cash value (i.e., such as a whole life insurance policy).

  • Business accounts where a U.S. person has a greater than 50 percent interest in the entity.

Suppose you have bank accounts at Banco Cooperativo Espanol (BCE), Banco Echeverria, Bancaja, Banca Civica S.A., Bankia, Banco Financiero y de Ahorros (BFA), Banco de Valencia (BVA), or at another bank in Spain or any other foreign country. In that case, you may meet the filing requirement to disclose your foreign accounts on the FBAR.

Which types of Spain financial assets are not required to be reported on FBAR / FATCA?

  • Social Insurance.

  • Real Estate Holding.

  • Precious metals held directly.

  • Collectibles.

  • Financial Account held at a U.S. branch of a foreign financial institution.

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