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Your tax preparer sent you additional questions!
Kirsten Simmons avatar
Written by Kirsten Simmons
Updated over a week ago

Looks like your tax preparer has some questions about your responses in the Tax Questionnaire (TQ)  or specific inquiries not covered by our TQ. Please review and provide your answers so that we can proceed with your tax return preparation. Follow these steps:

  1. Оn the Home page, click the Provide answers button.

  2. Carefully read each question and provide your responses in the corresponding field.

  3. If you are confident that your answer is correct, you can mark it as such.

  4. Click Next Question to proceed to the next question.

  5. Repeat this process until you have addressed all the questions.

  6. Click Submit.

Your tax preparer will receive a notification and send you an Engagement Letter (EL) within three business days after receiving your answers. Sign the EL, and we will begin working on your tax return.

If you currently lack the requested information, you can set a reminder for a later prompt about questions your tax preparer asked:

  1. Оn the Home page, click the Remind me later button.

  2. Select the date and click Save.

  3. We will send you an email reminder on the specified day.

To cancel the reminder, click Cancel:

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