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Your tax preparer sent you additional questions!
Huntly Mayo-Malasky avatar
Written by Huntly Mayo-Malasky
Updated over a month ago

Your tax preparer has some questions about your responses in the Tax Questionnaire (TQ)  or needs additional information not covered by the TQ. Please follow the steps below to provide your answers and continue the tax return process:

  1. Оn the Home page, click the Provide answers button.

  2. Read each question. Some may be new questions, and others may be flagged by your tax preparer for confirmation.

  3. Carefully provide your responses in the corresponding field. 

    • If your preparer flagged an existing answer, but you believe it is correct, select the Mark this answer as correct checkbox to confirm your original response.

    • For each question, you can also add comments to provide additional context or clarity beyond your answer. This will help your tax preparer better understand your situation.

  4. Once you've answered or confirmed the question, click Next Question to proceed.
    Note: you must provide or confirm an answer before moving to the next question. The system will not allow you to proceed until you have responded to the current one.

  5. Repeat this process until all questions are addressed.

  6. Click Submit.

Your tax preparer will be notified and will send you an Engagement Letter (EL) within three business days after receiving your responses. Once you sign the EL, we will begin working on your tax return.

Need more information?

If you’re unsure about a question, there is a Help option next to each question:

  1. Hover over the question and click More info for additional context or clarification.

  2. If you still have questions or need help, you can let us know by using the Was this helpful? feedback option at the top of the article. Simply click 👎 No.

  3. Select the category, provide a note on how we can improve the help text, and click Submit feedback. We’ll get back to you soon with a response to provide further assistance.

Setting a reminder for later

If you don't have the necessary information right now, you can set a reminder to revisit the questions later:

  1. Оn the Home page, click the Remind me later button.

  2. Choose a reminder date and click Save.

  3. You will receive an email reminder on the selected date.

Canceling a reminder

To cancel the reminder:

  1. Оn the Home page, click the Cancel link next to the reminder.

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