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Project sign-off
Deborah Tobin avatar
Written by Deborah Tobin
Updated over 10 months ago

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Project sign-off is the final step in the tax preparation process. After approving your prepared tax return, you can choose to e-file it through TFX or mail it yourself.

  • If you opt for e-filing, we will send you an e-file confirmation file - the e-filing acknowledgments from the IRS and Treasury.

  • If you choose to mail it, we will provide mailing instructions on how to mail your return to the IRS. To access these instructions and confirmations, navigate to Documents > Documents TFX prepared > Instructions & Confirmations. For more information refer to Filing Instructions & Confirmations.

Once you have followed the filing instructions or received confirmation of receipt, please sign off on the TFX project. E-signature will allow us to mark your case as complete. However, you may reject it if you have questions or comments about the work performed.

Providing project sign-off

  1. Navigate to the Home page of your TFX account and select the items you have received from us.

  2. Click Confirm and Sign to confirm the completion of your case.

Rejecting project sign-off

If you have any questions about the work performed for you or comments you would like to make please let us know.

  1. Navigate to the Home page of your TFX account and click I do not agree link.

  2. A Project Signoff Questions pop-up will be displayed.

  3. Describe the issue and click Send to submit your comments.

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