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Phone consultations

Free intro phone consultation and tax planning consultation

Updated over a month ago

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Schedule a free intro phone consultation

New clients of TFX are eligible for an initial phone consultation with one of our tax advisors. This is free but requires a $50 retainer fee that is applied toward your future tax preparation expenses. The consultation lasts up to 30 minutes and during this time, we will discuss your tax situation, our services, the process involved, and the information we require to proceed. Common topics covered include the most suitable method of filing (how many years to file, whether to file using the Streamlined Procedure, etc.), necessary documents, and how to report a non-resident spouse and their income.

To schedule an introductory phone consultation:

  1. Log in to your TFX account and navigate to Phone consult > Free intro consultation.

  2. Select your time zone, date and click Confirm next to one of the 30-minute slots available.

  3. Check the boxes next to the topics you would like to discuss.

  4. Type your additional comments, agree to the terms and conditions, and click Go to summary.

  5. Agree to the TFX terms of service and click Continue.

  6. Enter your card details and click Pay. A retainer fee will be credited towards your tax preparation expenses in the future.

  7. On the summary page, you will see the date, time, the CPA's name, dial-in instructions, and a copy of your inquiry. Once you have added the event to your calendar, click the Got it. Back to home page button.

❗ Important notes:

  • You can schedule a free intro phone consultation at least 26 hours in advance. This allows us to ensure proper preparation and review to provide you with the best possible service.

  • You can book a free intro phone consultation only once, so make sure you put all the details in your request.

  • If you need to reschedule, notify your assigned CPA at least 48 hours before your appointment. You will receive a rescheduling link via email.

  • Once you have signed your first Engagement Letter with TFX, you are no longer eligible for a free intro consultation. However, you can reach out to your tax preparer to schedule a CPA consultation if needed.

Schedule a tax planning consultation

Our tax planning consultations are designed to help U.S. expats navigate their future tax obligations. If you have complex tax questions but don’t need immediate assistance with your tax return, this consultation is perfect for you. For pricing details, refer to Expat Tax Planning.

During this 30-minute paid consultation (by phone or Skype), our expatriate tax experts will discuss:

  • The impact of your worldwide income on your U.S. taxes.

  • Strategies to help you optimize your tax situation.

Note: we do not provide advice on local (non-U.S.) tax laws. If your inquiry requires expertise beyond our scope, we will let you know in advance so you can decide how to proceed.

To schedule a tax planning consultation:

  1. Log in to your TFX account and navigate to Phone consult > Tax planning.

  2. Select your time zone and choose a date.

  3. Click Confirm next to one of the available 30-minute slots.

  4. Type your questions and concerns, agree to the terms and conditions, and click Proceed to pay.

  5. Agree to the TFX terms of service and click Continue.

  6. Enter your card details and click Pay.

  7. On the summary page, you will see:

    1. Date & time of your consultation

    2. Your CPA’s name

    3. Dial-in instructions

    4. A copy of your submitted questions

  8. Add the event to your calendar and click the “Got it. Back to home page button.

❗ Important notes:

  • You can schedule a tax planning consultation at least 26 hours in advance. This allows us to ensure proper preparation and review to provide you with the best possible service.

  • If you need to reschedule, notify your assigned CPA at least 48 hours before your appointment. You will receive a rescheduling link via email.

Schedule a CPA phone consultation

Once you have signed your first Engagement Letter with TFX, you are no longer eligible for a free intro consultation. However, if you need to discuss your tax return preparation with your assigned tax preparer over the phone instead of email (which is always free), you can schedule a 30-minute paid consultation. Since TFX operates on a fixed-fee basis, we are unable to offer this service for free. However, we have priced it affordably to ensure you can get expert guidance when needed. Refer to CPA phone consultation for pricing details.

To schedule a CPA phone consultation:

  1. Contact your assigned tax preparer to request a phone consultation.

  2. Your tax preparer will enable booking slots for you.

  3. Log in to your TFX account and navigate to Phone consult > CPA phone consultation.

  4. Select your time zone and click Confirm next to an available 30-minute slot.

  5. Type your questions and anything else you want to discuss with your CPA, agree to the terms and conditions, and click Proceed to pay.

  6. Enter your card details and complete the payment.

  7. On the summary page, you will see:

    1. Date & time of your consultation

    2. Your CPA’s name

    3. Dial-in instructions

    4. A copy of your submitted questions

  8. Add the event to your calendar and click the “Got it. Back to home page button.

❗ Important note: CPA consultations are scheduled at least 1 hour in advance.

How to dial in: Call the conference line + enter the pin code

Upon booking, you will receive an email confirmation with the date, time, the CPA's name, and dial-in instructions.

Use the provided phone number and pin to connect with your tax advisor. You can join the conference line via desktop or mobile Google Voice App, Skype, or direct call.

❗ Important note: if you reschedule the appointment, you will receive a new confirmation with the new phone number and pin code. The original phone number and pin code will be invalid.

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