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How to manage your TFX account
How to manage your TFX account
Deborah Tobin avatar
Written by Deborah Tobin
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Table of contents:

You can manage your TFX account on the Account settings page.

Edit your personal information

To edit your personal information:

  1. Log in to your TFX account.

  2. Click on Your Name in the top right corner of your TFX account.

  3. From the drop-down list select Account settings.

  4. Update your personal information: salutation, first name, middle name, and last name.

  5. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

Manage your email addresses

Change login email address

To change your primary login email address:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Email addresses section.

  2. Click the Change button.

  3. Enter a new email address in the pop-up window and click Verify.

  4. Enter the code that was sent to your new email address and click Submit to save the changes.

Add additional email addresses

We communicate with clients through the email address provided at signup. However, we understand that many of our clients regularly use two or more email addresses. You may add additional email addresses to receive information or communicate with TFX from multiple email accounts. You may add as many email addresses as you want.

To add an additional email address, follow these steps:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Email addresses section.

  2. Click the Add another email address link.

  3. Enter an additional email address.

    Note: by default, only the emails from your assigned tax preparer and our Customer Success team will be sent to your second email, but not the automatic reminders. If you also want to receive automatic reminders to your second email address, select the checkbox "This email address will receive all communication that we send you".

  4. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

Delete no longer valid email addresses

You can delete additional email addresses. One email address will always remain as your primary one on your account.

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Email addresses section.

  2. Click the bin 🗑 icon next to the email address you wish to delete.

  3. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

Connect your Google account/Apple ID

When you connect your Google account/Apple ID:

  • You can log in faster.

  • You can log in even if you have forgotten your TFX login credentials.

  • You benefit from Google/Apple security options for your account (2-factor authentication, getting notifications on login from a different country/continent, etc.).

To be able to log in to TFX with your Google account/Apple ID:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Email Addresses section.

  2. Click Connect Google Account or Connect Apple ID.

  3. Follow the standard Google/Apple authorization procedure.

Important notes:

  • You can connect either a Google or Apple ID account, or both simultaneously.

  • If you don't want to use authentication with Google/Apple ID anymore, click the Disconnect link.

Add family members

If you and your family members (parents, children, elderly grandparents, etc.) or business associates are using TFX, you may wish to be assigned to one tax preparer. Once all of them created TFX accounts, you can add them as family members to your TFX account.

To add family members:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Family members section.

  2. Click the Add family member link.

  3. List their full names and email addresses separated by commas and click Submit.

  4. The following message will be displayed on the Account settings page:

  5. We will assign the same tax preparer to all family members and it will be displayed on the Account settings page:

Note: if you would like to be the contact for multiple tax filings and manage multiple sub-accounts under one login, we offer Umbrella accounts for such situations. For more information on how to create Umbrella accounts, please refer to Umbrella accounts: One login to control many accounts.

Manage your phone numbers

We recommend adding a phone number to your TFX account. It will be used to receive 2-step verification SMS codes when signing in, to receive important reminders via WhatsApp, and to confirm your identity in case of a suspicious login attempt. You will be able to specify the best time to receive calls.

Add your primary phone number

If you have not provided your primary phone number during sign-up, follow these steps:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Phone & SMS section.

  2. Click Add phone number.

  3. Enter your phone number, specify the time zone, indicate the best time to receive calls, and add a comment if necessary:

  4. Choose whether you want to receive important SMS and WhatsApp notifications from TFX by checking the Agree to receive messages from TFX box. If you don't want to receive these notifications, simply uncheck it. For more information, refer to Manage SMS and WhatsApp notifications.

  5. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

  6. You will then see the red NOT VERIFIED sign above the new number, along with two action buttons to verify your phone number below it. Proceed with the verification process.

Change your primary phone number

To change your primary phone number, follow these steps:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Phone & SMS section.

  2. Update the Phone number field with your new number. If needed, adjust the time zone and your preferred call-receiving time.

  3. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

  4. You will then see the red NOT VERIFIED sign above the new number, along with two action buttons to verify your phone number below it. Proceed with the verification process for this new number.

Add additional phone numbers

To add an additional phone number, follow these steps:

  1. On the Account settings page, navigate to the Phone & SMS section.

  2. Click the Add phone number link.

  3. Enter your additional number, specify the time zone, and indicate the best time to receive calls. Add a comment if needed.

  4. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

  5. Next, you will see the red NOT VERIFIED sign above the new number and 2 action buttons to verify your additional phone number under it. Proceed with the verification process.

Delete no longer valid phone numbers

To delete a no longer valid phone number:

  1. On the Account settings page navigate to the Phone & SMS section.

  2. Click the bin 🗑 icon next to the phone number you wish to delete.

  3. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.

Important note: you can only delete additional phone numbers. One number will always remain as your primary phone number on your account.

Manage SMS and WhatsApp notifications

We use SMS and WhatsApp reminders to ensure you stay informed about filing deadlines.

To enable/disable SMS and WhatsApp notifications:

  1. On the Account settings page navigate to the Phone & SMS section.

  2. Check/uncheck the checkbox Agree to receive messages from TFX.

Important note: in addition to toggling off this checkbox, you may respond to an SMS with any of the following words, and the checkbox will turn off automatically: Stop, Remove, Exclude, Unsubscribe, Don't send, or Do not receive.

Change your TFX password

To change your TFX password:

  1. On the Account settings page navigate to the Security & password section.

  2. Click the Change Password link.

  3. Type your existing password into the Old Password box; your new password into the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes.

    Note: it should have at least eight characters, one capital letter, and one number. Click on the eye icon if you would like to see the symbols entered.

  4. Click Change Password to update your password.

Create a TFX password if registered with your Google account/Apple ID

When you are registered with a Google account or Apple ID, you don't have a TFX password. However, you need to create it to disable Two-factor authentication.

Follow the steps to set up your TFX password. Once your TFX password is set up, you can log in with your email and a new password by clicking the Log In button (not the Continue with Google/Continue with Apple buttons).

Block/unblock reminders from TFX

You can request to block reminders from TFX during your vacation or while you are waiting for the required forms or information for your tax return. Simply send an email to your CPA or contact our Customer Success team, and we will turn off the automatic notifications until a specified time.

If you return or receive the required information earlier and would like to receive notifications from TFX about further required actions or important deadlines, you can unblock reminders from TFX directly on the Home page by clicking the Turn on button. There is no need to ask our Customer Success team to reactivate reminders anymore.

Delete your TFX account

To delete your account:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the Account settings page.

  2. Click the Delete account link.

  3. Provide your TFX password and click the Delete Account button.

Note: the system allows you to delete accounts only in some statuses of your TFX project. You will be prompted to contact our Customer Success team for assistance.

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